Instructions for Open Mics Events At Buddy On Stage

Instructions for Open Mics Events At Buddy On Stage

Buddy On Stage
min read

June 23, 2023

Dear Open Mic Performers,

We are thrilled to welcome you to Buddy On Stage for our Open Mic Event. We expect that you have booked your performer spot, if not please book the same through now.


Please note that the event starts exactly on time, so please ensure that you arrive atleast 15 minutes before time to be seated & relaxed before your performance.

Note: You will be given 6 minutes to showcase your talents on stage. At the 5 minute mark, you will receive a warning flash indicating that you have a remaining minute and then again at the 6th minute indicating that your time is up and it's time to leave the stage.


If you have an act longer than 6 minutes, please contact our organizer in advance so that we can make necessary arrangements.


As a performer, you are granted free access to our audience entry fee. We encourage you to bring your friends along for support and positive vibes in the room. If you are attending without any audience member, kindly reach us atleast half an hour in advance so that we can assist in finding someone who may want to attend with you.

Please note: If you arrive 15minutes late to our event, there will be a penalty(your stage time will be deducted). And if you come after 30minutes of starting the event, we will have to cancel your spot. So make sure to set your alarms and be on time. We don't want you to miss out on all the fun! Let's make this event an amazing experience with punctuality.

Our location is listed here - Google Maps Location - along with directions on how to get there which can be found on our website - How to reach Buddy On Stage


We look forward to seeing your performance ASAP.


The Buddy On Stage Team

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